Principal Designer

my story

How a room was experienced always caught my attention. It wasn’t just what I seen, the fixtures and furniture. Nor was it just the colors used. It was more of how the room was laid out, the use of material, color, and lighting. And how I had to maneuver within the space stood out. Was the experience with ease or difficulty? How did I feel in the space? Did it spark energy, was it inspiring, did it make me feel calm and relaxed? Did it stimulate? Was it over stimulating? Did I feel depressed, angered, or agitated?

When I started noticing how different I was feeling in different environments, I knew I had to be more aware of where I chose to spend my time. What I felt from the space affected my mood. My mood could affect how my day would go. Since the mental state can trigger the physical state, I definitely wanted to have more control of my well being. Therefore I start to study Interior Design in more depth. Learning the many elements that go into a well designed space to get the desired results for it’s intended functions.

I started professionally designing residential and event experiences in 2004. After gaining recognition for my work in the DC Metropolitan area, and with a BA in Fine Arts from the Art Institute, I created Healing Design, LLC located in Virginia, which now serves residential and corporate environments.